Runraising with The Aston Forwards

A project by: Aston University


WE RAISED £2,273

from 43 donors

This project received pledges on Thu 01 Apr 2021
3 years, 3 months ago

We did it!

Our month of red-faced, sore-footed exertion has ended on a high. Thank you so much for all the wonderful donations you made to the Forward Fund, and for helping us promote it so widely. You smashed through the target we set, and your support and encouragement kept us going through changeable weather, aches and pains, and early morning alarms. We’ve had personal bests, some newfound love for running and, to be frank, the occasional promise of “never again”. Best of all, we’ve had loads of donations to a fantastic cause. Thank you.

3 years, 4 months ago

We’re just past the halfway point of our month-long running challenge and the support has been overwhelming. Your pledges will go to the Forward Fund, meaning you are helping students at Aston with support where need is greatest and offering them more opportunities to get the most out of University. With 13 days left we are already over 80% of the way to the target we set out to raise. Thank you so much!

We are also hugely grateful for your help in spreading the word about our challenge and the cause that has brought us together. Please keep posting and forwarding.

We are a mixed team of runners. Some have started from scratch and are working their way up from zero; some are hardcore pavement pounders who have been missing their cancelled long races in this past year; some are lapsed obsessives who have rekindled their addiction to wide open spaces and carefully monitored times, whilst others are happy plodders just enjoying being part of a team again. We have runners running with their children, early morning runs, late evening runs, cheeky lunchtime runs and occasional casual ambles for extra mileage. One of us is attempting four half marathons in a month, another is going for a PB at Mostar Half Marathon this weekend (good luck Edina!).

What we all have in common (other than a shared belief that no one looks their best in day-glo green) is our determination to finish a run once we’ve started it. Thanks so much for encouraging us in this and for making a gift to a great cause.