Ramadan Funding

A project by: Aston Islamic Society


WE RAISED £6,688

from 267 donors

Support Aston ISoc! Your donation provides iftaars for 200 people 3x/week & goes towards ISoc upkeep

Short Summary:

We're trying to raise £4k to ensure Aston ISoc's vibrant future! Help us in providing iftars for 200 people 3x/week during Ramadan, which will sustain ISoc activities and foster community growth. If we get more money we will try to have more frequent iftaars and for more people. Insha'Allah we will be able to provide iftar everyday if enough is raised.  

Who We Are:

We are Aston Islamic Society, a dynamic team passionate about fostering unity and strengthening our community through impactful initiatives. Embark on this journey with us! Aston ISoc strives to create a blend of social and educational events. 

Where the Money Goes:

Iftaar Costs (3x/week for the duration of Ramadan): £300 per iftar 

ISoc Upkeep: Any money left over after Ramadan has ended will be used for ISoc activities, materials and events. Nothing will go to waste.

Iftar Last year:

Last Years Ramadan

Find Us Here:

Follow our journey on Instagram @astonisoc, and join our WhatsApp group chats (QR code in prayer rooms), for regular updates. Your involvement fuels our success!

Help Us Succeed:

Share our vision! Spread the word on social media, through WhatsApp, Instagram and in conversations. Your support, whether through donations or promotion, ensures the success of Aston ISoc's projects. Together, let's make a difference! #AstonISocCommunity 🌟🤝